Friday, November 18, 2011

Handwriting Analysis Lab - Reflection & Forgery

For last Monday's lab, we practiced forging each other's handwriting. To start, we wrote the sentence "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" in both cursive and print to give the person who was forging a sample of every letter. Next, our handwriting was analyzed and various traits of our handwriting was written down for further consideration. After that, our handwriting - cursive and print - was free-hand forged by our partner. Free-hand forging means that you forge a signature just by looking at it.

Next, our writing was forged by tracing. This is when your handwriting is physically traced, and this yields the maximum results. Although a traced forge is easier to call out on being a forgery than a good free-hand because of the increased pen pressure, it also looks much more alike to the original than if you free-handed it. It is easier to tell that a free-hand is a forgery, unless the person who forged it is very adept in the art of forgery.

For the next activity, we created fake checks where we used false personas. After we finished these, we were instructed to rip them apart into small pieces. Then we gave them to a different table for them to piece together and then identify whose handwriting it was based upon the different characteristics that were written down by our partners earlier. My group and our partner group successfully identified each other's handwritings.



  1. Love the information you used but I hope you add those great pictures soon c:

  2. yeah you need photos owo but its good writing of what we did
