Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Lip-Printing Analysis

For this experiment, we practiced with identifying noticable traits on a person's lip-print. Everybody applied an amount of lipstick to their lips and then left a print on a white piece of paper. Once it dried, we wrote down defining features such as high arches, cracks, and scars. The pair of lips above is mine!

After this, we went into the analysis portion of the project. We traded lip prints with other groups and gave them our identifying features, and they were tasked with figuring out which pair of lips belonged to which person. The activity went well, with my group achieving 100% efficiency in the field of identifying lip-prints.


  1. Great outline of what we did in class! Maybe another photo?

  2. Love the picture you used xD makes this post 20% cooler (hope you get the reference).
    Plus all the information you put in this really gives us a chance to know what we did in class.

  3. very well written, brings back memories of HORROR oh the horror of the lipstick! D: hahaha nice work
